Zend Form Remove Error Messages

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Sometimes you don’t want to display the error messages for a form. I have tried to find the proper solution to remove validtion error messages and haven’t found what I would regard as the proper solution.

However what does work for me is to loop through any elements that I want to remove the error messages for and remove the error message decorator like this:

 foreach($subforms['empty'] as $sf){
 	$elements = $sf->getElements();
        foreach($elements as $e){

In this context I have filtered out all the subforms where all inputs are empty and will then remove the error messages from those sub forms.

If you are interested, here is the method I use to validate subforms and separate out valid, invalid and totally empty sub forms.

public function validateSubForms($data){
	$subforms = $this->getSubForms();
	foreach($subforms as $sf){
			$error_other_than_empty = false;
			$elements = $sf->getElements();
			foreach($elements as $e){
				$errors = $e->getErrors();
				foreach($errors as $er){
				   // EC_Debug::diedump($er);
					if($er !='isEmpty'){
						$error_other_than_empty = true;
	return array(
		'valid' => $valid,
		'invalid' => $invalid

Tags: zend formzend subformszend form remove error messages