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M1Demo How To

Getting Magento 1 Demo LXC running

This will focus around setting up the demo Magento 1 project running. First you need to clone the ec-m1demo.

cluster1_clone ec-m1demo

Using lxc-attach the container can be accessed.

lxc-attach ec-m1demo

While in another terminal (or terminal tab) you cand find the ip of the container.


Add the ip to the hosts file (using nano or your editor of choice)

sudo nano /etc/hosts

The next step is changing the Magento base URLs

UPDATE core_config_data SET value='' WHERE path LIKE '%base_url%';

Then you need to change the cookie domain

UPDATE core_config_data SET value='' WHERE path LIKE '%cookie_domain%';

You can now visit and the demo Magento web site should be there!