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Installer and Setup Scripts


If possible use a data patch instead.

Creating Setup Scripts

There are four types of setup scripts, stored in the module's Setup folder:

  • InstallSchema: Setup of database table structure, or other entities. Run once when a new module is installed
  • InstallData: Populating any new data. Run once when a new module is installed
  • UpgradeSchema: Setup of database table structure, or other entities. Run whenever the version in the module.xml is greater than the value in the setup_module table
  • UpgradeData: Populating any new data. Run whenever the version in the module.xml is greater than the value in the setup_module table
  • Recurring: Run every time setup:upgrade is run, regardless of versions

More detail at

Debugging Setup Scripts

Check if a script should run

  • If you're using an Install script, check the setup_module table. If an entry exists for your module, the Install script will not run
  • If you're using an Upgrade script, check the setup_module table. If the entry version is equal to or greater than the version in your module.xml, the Upgrade script will not run

Checking if Magento is attempting to run your script

  • Try setting an xdebug breakpoint at the start of the install/upgrade function
  • Try adding an xdebug_break() call
  • Try adding a die() statement
  • Make the PHP file invalid, which should make the setup:upgrade command fail to complete
  • Xdebug (Magento Root)/setup/src/Magento/Setup/Model/Installer.php's getSchemaDataHandler() function, which attempts to find your install/upgrade script